
Working Papers

  1. Dissecting the Great Retirement Boom, July 2024
           R&R at the Journal of Monetary Economics
           with Serdar Birinci and Kurt See

  2. An Empirical Analysis of the Cost of Borrowing, July 2024
           with Sam Jordan-Wood and Julian Kozlowski

  3. The St. Louis Fed DSGE Model, June 2024

  4. A Quantitative Analysis of Bank Lending Relationships, August 2024
           R&R at the Journal of Financial Economics
           with Kyle Dempsey

  5. EBITDA Add-backs in Debt Contracting: A Step Too Far?, September 2022
           with Avantika Pal, Radhakrishnan Gopalan, Juan M. Sanchez and Vijay Yerramilli

  6. Credit and Liquidity Policies during Large Crises, February 2024
           R&R at the JPE: Macro
           with Mahdi Ebsim and Julian Kozlowski

  7. A Quantitative Analysis of the Countercyclical Capital Buffer, January 2020
             Press: Central Banking, S&P Global Market Intelligence

  8. The Nonlinear Effects of Fiscal Policy, June 2024
           R&R at the Journal of Public Economics
           with Pedro Brinca, Miguel H. Ferreira, Hans Holter and Valter Nobrega

  9. A Note on Information Disclosure and Adverse Selection, May 2015
           with Joseba Martinez and Thomas Philippon

  10. Risk Incentives in an Interbank Network, July 2015

Published & Accepted Articles

  1. Artificial Intelligence and Inflation Forecasts
           Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Accepted
           with Fernando Leibovici

  2. Fiscal Multipliers and Financial Crises
           Review of Economics and Statistics, 2024
           Code and data here

  3. Evergreening
           Journal of Financial Economics, 2024 (Lead Article/Editor’s Choice)
           with Pascal Paul and Juan M. Sanchez, press: New York Times

  4. Pandemic labor force participation and net worth fluctuations
           Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2024
           with Samuel Jordan-Wood, mentions: Hutchins Roundup, Brookings Institution, Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance

  5. Measuring Labor Supply and Demand Shocks during COVID-19
           European Economic Review, 2021
           with Pedro Brinca and Joao B. Duarte, code and data here

  6. Fiscal Policy during a Pandemic
           Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2021
           Replication code at the Epi-MMB database, mentions: Brookings Hutchins Roundup, Marginal Revolution

  7. The (Unintended?) Consequences of the Largest Liquidity Injection Ever
           Journal of Monetary Economics, 2020
           with Matteo Crosignani and Luis Fonseca, mentions: Wall Street Journal, Frankfurter Allgemeine

  8. Runs versus Lemons: Information Disclosure and Fiscal Capacity
           Review of Economic Studies, 2017
           with Joseba Martinez and Thomas Philippon

  9. The Portuguese banking system during the sovereign debt crisis
           Banco de Portugal Economic Studies, 2015
           with Matteo Crosignani and Luis Fonseca, mentioned in a speech by the President of the Deutsche Bundesbank

  10. Mapping a country’s competitive position: a real exchange rate approach
           Studies in Economics and Finance, 2011
           with Joao Zambujal-Oliveira

Book Chapters and Other Publications

  1. The Krugman-Macedo Diagram Revisited
           Economic Globalization & Governance: Essays in Honor of Jorge Braga de Macedo, 2021
           with Miguel Lebre de Freitas

  2. Introduction for the special issue on the Gerzensee Conference
           Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2020
           special issue jointly edited with Bill Dupor